Justin Sharp - Head Chef & Proprietor at Pea Porridge
We are delighted to welcome Justin Sharp from Pea Porridge, Bury St Edmunds, to this year’s Game Fair Kitchen.
Pea Porridge opened its doors in October 2009 and is an independently owned neighbourhood restaurant, located on a square, which was once a green, called “Pea Porridge Green”. The green is gone long ago, but owners Justin and wife Jurga borrowed its name for their restaurant; situated in the historic market town of Bury St Edmunds, barely five minute walk from Butter Market. Find Pea Porridge tucked away in a quiet residential area next door to Old Cannon Brewery on Cannon Street.
Originally two cottages build in 1820, later hosted a bakery. Restaurant now comprises three charming and delightfully unpretentious dining rooms with rustic tables, exposed brick work and its unique feature- original baker’s oven.
It has a cosy, homely, laid back ambiance.
As big food and drink lovers, very much hands on owners Justin Sharp (head chef-proprietor) and his wife Jurga (front-of-house), like to keep things lively, fresh and exciting. We are not at all into gadgetry and tricks in the kitchen and favour a very much “produce” driven approach. We love to cook what we ourselves would like to eat, prioritising local, seasonal produce. Whatever is on the plate, our aim is for a combination of simplicity and flavour. “Nose-to-Tail” dishes are also regular staple on our menu, which changes almost every day.