Falconry Village
The Falconry Village will contain a wide variety of birds, equipment and interactive stalls.
Whether you are a practising falconer, nature enthusiast or not the falconry village is sure to keep you entertained. There will be mini events going on all day in the arena; lure swinging competitions, talks on hunting and should you come across a wild injured Owl we will show you what to do to help rescue it safely.
Exhibitors in the Falconry Village include:
Fens Falconry – www.fensfalconry.co.uk
Out on a Wing Falconry – www.outonawingfalconry.co.uk
Phoenix Bird of Prey Rescue – www.phoenixbirdofpreyrescue.org
Toll Barn Veterinary Centre – www.tollbarnvets.co.uk
Kiezebrink Ltd – www.kiezebrink.co.uk
Box Clever – www.box-cleveruk.co.uk
Fixters Falconry – www.fixtersfalconry.co.uk
Timetable 2018:
12.15 – 13.00 Out on a Wing Falconry Demonstration
14.00 -14.40 Fens Falconry Flying Demonstration
14.40 – 15.10 Fixters Falconry Demonstration
15.10 – 15.30 Bird of Prey Training & Hunting Demonstration
15.30 – 16.00 Photography opportunity
16.00 Flying of the remainder of birds needed exercise from all involved in the Falconry Village
Timetable subject to change